Didattica dell’immagine. Insegnare con la fotografia nella scuola primaria

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Didactics of the image. Teach with photography in primary school

Serena Triacca

Research output: Book/ReportBook


[Autom. eng. transl.] The volume intends to draw attention to the need to consciously integrate images into teaching practices, providing teachers with both a conceptual reference framework and a methodological proposal. Starting from the illustration of Semir Zeki's theory of the visual brain and of the thought of the scholars who questioned the ontological status of the photographic image, we will come to the focus, through some case studies conducted in primary school, of the concrete modalities of use of photography, enjoyed and produced. Based on the pedagogical reflections stimulated by the cases, the volume aims to update the framework of awareness of didactic research in relation to the use of photographic images in the classroom, identifying some criteria for adopting them in teaching, the possible types of activities (analysis, manipulation, realization), information for information retrieval. The volume is completed by the DImFo-Kit, a kit for the teaching of the photographic image that consists of a reasoned sitography, with references to the library of images, applications and software mainly free of charge and a large gallery of ad hoc photographs, ordered by themes and released under a Creative Commons license. The kit includes some exemplary didactic proposals for working with photographic images in the classroom.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Didactics of the image. Teach with photography in primary school
Original languageItalian
PublisherEditrice Morcelliana
Number of pages336
ISBN (Print)978-88-284-0116-2
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series



  • didattica dell'immagine
  • fotografia
  • mediatori didattici


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