Development of a new approach for neuropsychological and clinical screening in fragile subjects and immigrate patients with chronic disease

Daniela De Filippis, Claudia Spinosa, Danila Rusich, Maria Teresa Angelillo, Maurizio Bossola, Michela Balconi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Multiculturalism and progressive stabilization of migrants present new challenges for national health systems. In particular, clinical practice may benefit from the analysis of their clinical needs and preferred uses of health services. The project aimed at outlining healthcare needs of stabilized migrants presenting chronic diseases in the context of the Italian health system, as well as potential difficulties experienced by healthcare professionals while answering such needs. Based on a preliminary survey on Italian patients, we have devised a novel approach for the concurrent evaluation of patients’ neuropsychological and clinical condition and of healthcare professionals’ representation of patients’ condition and needs. The section of the screening tool dedicated to patients includes standardized tests for neuropsychological assessment and a semi-structured interview for the collection of social, clinical, and psychological data. The section dedicated to healthcare professionals focuses on their cultural representations concerning their work and the engagement of migrant patients towards health. This new approach, by integrating different sources of information, allows for obtaining a multidimensional assessment of patients’ needs and of risk factors in medical assistance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the "SEPEX – SEPNECA – AIP experimental Joint Conference"
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventSEPEX – SEPNECA – AIP experimental Joint Conference - Madrid
Duration: 3 Jul 20186 Jul 2018


ConferenceSEPEX – SEPNECA – AIP experimental Joint Conference


  • Clinical screening
  • chronic disease
  • fragile subjects
  • immigrants


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