Development of a model for Colletotrichum diseases with calibration for phylogenetic clades on different host plants

Irene Salotti, Yu-Jie Liang, Tao Ji, Vittorio Rossi*

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Fungi in the genus Colletotrichum cause serious pre- and post-harvest losses to several agricultural crops worldwide. Through a systematic literature review, we retrieved the published information on Colletotrichum anthracnose diseases on different host plants and developed a mechanistic model incorporating the main stages of the pathogen's life cycle and the effect of weather. The model predicts anthracnose progress during the growing season on the aerial organs of different crops, and was parameterized for seven Colletotrichum clades (acutatum, dematium, destructivum, gloeosporioides, graminicola, and orbiculare) and the singleton species, C. coccodes. The model was evaluated for the anthracnose diseases caused by fungi belonging to five clades on six hosts by using data from 17 epidemics that occurred in Italy, the USA, Canada, and Japan. A comparison of observed versus predicted data showed a concordance correlation coefficient of 0.928 and an average distance between real data and the fitted line of 0.044. After further validation, the model could be used to support decision-making for crop protection.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1069092-1069092
Number of pages22
JournalFrontiers in Plant Science
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • disease modeling
  • epidemiology
  • systematic literature review
  • model validation
  • glomerella


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