Dalla design based research al design thinking. Il pensiero progettuale come competenza trasversale

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] From design based research to design thinking. Design thinking as a transversal competence

Pierpaolo Limone, Rosaria Pace

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


[Autom. eng. transl.] Within this brief work we will focus on the prototype research of educational products and paths carried out within our ERID laboratory. In particular, we will expand the perspective and we will refer not only to the development operations in themselves, but to the aspects that precede such operations - the granting of guidelines and criteria shared with the actors involved in the planning and those that accompany these activities, in the constant relationship and interaction between research and development teams and representatives of the educational sector or recipients. The main theoretical reference will be that of design thinking, which will provide an operational and methodological track for the development of resources and paths linked to educational innovation. By way of example, we will illustrate the process of designing online resources according to the Mooc format, through a dynamic of co-planning between course teachers, developers and instructional design experts.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] From design based research to design thinking. Design thinking as a transversal competence
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationOltre i confini, lungo i margini. Atti della prima giornata di studio del Gruppo di Lavoro SIPED, Teorie e Metodi della Ricerca in Educazione. Edizione aggiornate e accresciuta
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventOltre i confini, lungo i margini. Atti della prima giornata di studio del Gruppo di Lavoro SIPED, Teorie e Metodi della Ricerca in Educazione - Rimini
Duration: 3 Oct 20143 Oct 2014


ConferenceOltre i confini, lungo i margini. Atti della prima giornata di studio del Gruppo di Lavoro SIPED, Teorie e Metodi della Ricerca in Educazione


  • design-based research
  • progettazione educativa


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