Corresponsabilità e coprogettazione educativa tra scuola e famiglia

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Co-responsibility and educational co-planning between school and family

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


[Autom. eng. transl.] Starting a participatory relationship between school and family requires both institutions to compare their respective reference cultures, tending to make them a creative synthesis, which simultaneously meets the educational and instructive needs. This calls into question a sophisticated form of participation, co-responsibility, which requires rethinking organizational and procedural moments and reviewing participatory arrangements. To achieve educational co-responsibility between school and family, it is necessary to highlight and support the educational dimension of both experiential spaces and the need for their fruitful collaboration. From a methodological point of view, a tool that, according to researchers at CeSPeF (center for pedagogical studies on marriage and family life) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, can facilitate the achievement of co-responsibility is co-planning. It rests on the idea that the implicit culture of the family, instead of being ignored or denied, can become the object of formal cultural deepening, contributing to the enrichment of the educational-instructive offer of the school.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Co-responsibility and educational co-planning between school and family
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationL'insegnante e il dirigente scolastico nella scuola dell'autonomia tra didattica, governance e progetto culturale
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • coprogettazione
  • corresponsabilità
  • famiglia
  • partecipazione
  • scuola


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