Combining genetic markers, on-farm information and infrared data for the in-line prediction of blood biomarkers of metabolic disorders in Holstein cattle

Lucio F. M. Mota, Diana Giannuzzi, Sara Pegolo, Hugo Toledo-Alvarado, Stefano Schiavon, Luigi Gallo, Erminio Trevisi, Alon Arazi, Gil Katz, Guilherme J. M. Rosa, Alessio Cecchinato

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Background: Various blood metabolites are known to be useful indicators of health status in dairy cattle, but their routine assessment is time-consuming, expensive, and stressful for the cows at the herd level. Thus, we evaluated the effectiveness of combining in-line near infrared (NIR) milk spectra with on-farm (days in milk [DIM] and parity) and genetic markers for predicting blood metabolites in Holstein cattle. Data were obtained from 388 Holstein cows from a farm with an AfiLab system. NIR spectra, on-farm information, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers were blended to develop calibration equations for blood metabolites using the elastic net (ENet) approach, considering 3 models: (1) Model 1 (M1) including only NIR information, (2) Model 2 (M2) with both NIR and on-farm information, and (3) Model 3 (M3) combining NIR, on-farm and genomic information. Dimension reduction was considered for M3 by preselecting SNP markers from genome-wide association study (GWAS) results. Results: Results indicate that M2 improved the predictive ability by an average of 19% for energy-related metabolites (glucose, cholesterol, NEFA, BHB, urea, and creatinine), 20% for liver function/hepatic damage, 7% for inflammation/innate immunity, 24% for oxidative stress metabolites, and 23% for minerals compared to M1. Meanwhile, M3 further enhanced the predictive ability by 34% for energy-related metabolites, 32% for liver function/hepatic damage, 22% for inflammation/innate immunity, 42.1% for oxidative stress metabolites, and 41% for minerals, compared to M1. We found improved predictive ability of M3 using selected SNP markers from GWAS results using a threshold of > 2.0 by 5% for energy-related metabolites, 9% for liver function/hepatic damage, 8% for inflammation/innate immunity, 22% for oxidative stress metabolites, and 9% for minerals. Slight reductions were observed for phosphorus (2%), ferric-reducing antioxidant power (1%), and glucose (3%). Furthermore, it was found that prediction accuracies are influenced by using more restrictive thresholds (−log10(P-value) > 2.5 and 3.0), with a lower increase in the predictive ability. Conclusion: Our results highlighted the potential of combining several sources of information, such as genetic markers, on-farm information, and in-line NIR infrared data improves the predictive ability of blood metabolites in dairy cattle, representing an effective strategy for large-scale in-line health monitoring in commercial herds.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)N/A-N/A
JournalJournal of Animal Science and Biotechnology
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Blood metabolites
  • Dairy cattle
  • Data integration
  • Precision livestock farming
  • Metabolic disorders
  • NIR
  • Feature selection


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