"Breadwinners" or "Involved Fathers ?" Men, Fathers and Work in Italy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The identity transformation affecting both men and women and structural changes in the family and in the labour market in the last few decades have led to a reflection on the role of the so-called "involved/new fathers" and of fatherhoodrelated practices. Several empirical studies, in fact, highlight a change in the father role, both in and outside Italy, towards a more familyinvolved style of male parenthood. Nevertheless, the strong relationship between fathers and work remains a pivotal trait in a man's identity: the breadwinner model is, in fact, still thriving in many European countries, including Italy.One of the most relevant issues in this scenario is the complex relationship between family and work. This paper is aimed at exploring men's and fathers' ideas and opinions on their involvement in work, family life and care, in order to identify their features in contemporary society.This topic will be analysed in depth with the help of data from the European Values Study, whose fourth wave was conducted in47 European countries including Italy, in 2008-2009.This survey helps detect some structural aspects and values concerning fundamental aspects of life, such as marriage and the family, work, leisure time, religion and inter-generational relationships.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)293-306
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Comparative Family Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • family
  • fathers
  • identità
  • paternità


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