Body ideas and political communities: challenging contemporary democracy in dialogue with Eric Voegelin

Alessandra Gerolin*

*Corresponding author

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


My contribution will be developed on three levels. First of all I will investigate Voegelin’s conception of race in his early work, considering in particular its relation with political communities. Philosophical anthropology becomes for Voegelin the instrument to understand political ideas as originated by the experience of human being as a corporeal-psychic unity. Secondly, I will focus on two concepts characterizing the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead that resonate in Voegelin’s thought concerning race, science and political communities, namely those of ‘climate of opinion’ and ‘fallacy of misplaced concreteness’. Finally, I will develop a critical consideration of Voegelin’s anthropology, testing its validity in front of contemporary issues, such as ecology, the pandemic and the crisis of democracy
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBody Ideas and Political Communities in Eric Voegelin’s Early Work on Race
EditorsBernat Torres Morales, Nicoletta Scotti Muth
Number of pages25
VolumeVoegelin Studies/Yearbook 3
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Eric Voegelin
  • Race
  • Democracy
  • Political communities
  • Body ideas


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