Bladder and prostate metastasis from small cell lung cancer: a rare entity

Riccardo Bientinesi, Francesco Pierconti, C Gand, Aa Santoro, L Vaccarella, Francesco Pinto, Marco Racioppi, Giuseppe Palermo, Pierfrancesco Bassi, Emilio Sacco

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Bladder metastases from lung cancer are extremely rare; in some previously reported cases in wich the primitive tumor was a lung adenocarcinoma, the finding of an intact epithelium overlying the bladder tumour was considered suggestive of a secondary lesion. Differentiating primary bladder non-urothelial cancers from metastatic lesions can be difficult. An endoscopic appearance consistent with primary bladder cancer further complicates the differential diagnosis, which heavily relies on pathologic evaluation and specific immunohistochemical staining. Here we describe the first case at our knowledge of bladder metastasis from lung small cell carcinoma, whereby endoscopic appearance was strongly consistent with primary bladder cancer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)N/A-N/A
JournalOpen Access Journal of Urology and Nephrology
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Lung cancer, bladder metastasis, hematuria


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