Biophysics-induced tissue regeneration. A pilot study using “Delta-S” entropy variation system on burns sequelae and keloids

G. Marineo, E. Indrizzi, Giulio Gasparini, V. Terenzi, G. Fini, F. Marotta

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Poorly consolidated scar tissue resulting from injury, surgical incisions and burns is hard to sort out and represents a cause of both functional and psychological problems for the patient. A new possibility of treatment has been sought by subjecting to clinical trial an innovative method based on Bioengineering. This method uses as its active principle a ‘reduction in entropy’ artificially obtained by using electromagnetic induction to convey ‘energy packets’ that can be used by the body to support or reactivate its own regenerative processes. Twelve patients presenting scar tissue due to traumas or burns were treated (40 sessions using a series ETV “Delta-S” Entropy Variation System). The lesions initially displayed keloid features, with traction on the underlying tissues and consequent retraction and loss of elasticity of the cutaneous layers, lymphoedema of the surrounding tissue associated with alteration of normal skin pigmentation to a reddish-violet colour. At the end of treatment, the scar tissue displayed greater elasticity, reduced cutaneous retraction and a consequent enhanced mobility of the underlying cutaneous layers, normalization of lymphatic circulation and lastly an improved pigmentation of the lesion. No side effects were observed either during treatment or in the subsequent monitoring period. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)231-236
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Congress Series
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • Burns
  • Delta-S
  • Entropy
  • Keloid
  • Thermodynamics


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