
I. The doctrine of renvoi: general remarks: 1. Renvoi defined; 2. Scholarly views on renvoi; 3. Renvoi in national systems of private international law and uniform texts - II. The exclusion of renvoi under the Rome II Regulation: 1. The rule in a nutshell and its predecessors; 2. Situations where the rule on renvoi is relevant in practice; 3. Issues outside the scope of the rule on renvoi; 4. The treatment of renvoi under other uniform texts; 5. The reasons for excluding the relevance of renvoi in the Rome II Regulation; 6. Are the parties free to agree that renvoi should, instead, be considered?
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRome II Regulation
EditorsU. Magnus, P. Mankowski
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Diritto internazionale privato
  • Private international law
  • Renvoi
  • Rinvio


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