Analysing the mediating effect of perceived organisational support on budgetary feedback and role satisfaction: evidence from healthcare

Manuela Paolini, Federica Morandi, Fausto Di Vincenzo, Domenico Raucci

Research output: Contribution to journalConference article


The accountability of care approach has profoundly changed the responsibilities and the tasks assigned to healthcare professionals. Physicians enrolled into middle managerial positions, requiring the pursuit of budgetary objectives as well as the fulfilment of clinical responsibilities. The hybridisation of “doctormanagers” role makes these physicians exposed to role ambiguities, causing unsatisfaction for their budget holder position, which can negatively affect behaviours and managerial performance. This leads to seek, within the research perspectives of hybrid professionalism, greater convergences of the new managerial role with their predominant clinical-professional culture.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)310-310
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventEuropean Health management association conference - ROMA -- ITA
Duration: 5 Jun 20237 Jun 2023


  • organizational support, budgetary feedback, healthcare


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