A three-steps integrated program of hospital environmental surveillance: costs and potential savings

Daniele Ignazio La Milia, Patrizia Laurenti, Gianfranco Damiani, Umberto Moscato, Stefania Bruno, Stefania Boccia, Gianluigi Quaranta, Brunella Posteraro, Maria Giovanna Ficarra, Sara Vincenti, M Milovanovic, Maria Avolio, Matteo Raponi, Walter Ricciardi

Research output: Contribution to journalConference article


Background The three-steps integrated program of environmental surveillance (SIPES) carried out by Hospital Hygiene Unit (HHU) in Gemelli Teaching Hospital (GTH) ensure patients and healthcare personnel safety through a safe environment, reducing risk of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). The aim of this study is to assess costs of SIPES and savings due to avoidance of HAI cases. Methods Costs for year 2014 was computed by wages of managers and technicians employees in HHU and budget for materials needed to carry out laboratory analysis. A Budget Impact Analysis (BIA), from 2011 to 2014, was performed to evaluate savings. The variables included in BIA are annual number of healthcare production processes or procedures in GTH, number of samples surveyed by HHU and the resultant nonconformity, attack rate and unit cost of HAI reported in Medline database. Results Personnel employed in HHU is composed by 7 medical doctors, 2 biologists and 6 technicians. The total amount of gross salary of employees in 2014 is E446.000 and the budget 300 European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3, 2015 for materials in 2014 is E20.000. The costs of SIPES of HHU in 2014 is E464.000. BIA results show that the SIPES performed by HHU allowed the saving of E354.676 between 2011 and 2014, taking into account only the HAIs as adverse event and considering costs of their treatment. Conclusions The results of our study suggest that a well structured environmental surveillance program, like the one implemented and pursued by HHU to ensure patients and healthcare personnel safety, may allow to save financial resources considering all adverse event such as compensations after legal cases. Further evaluations are needed to asses potential savings arising from prevention of all adverse events in hospital. Key message Targeted environmental monitoring aimed at healthcare associated infection risk assessment and management represents an effective and cost saving tool
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)300-301
Number of pages2
JournalEuropean Journal of Public Health
Volume25 (Suppl. 3)
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event8th European Public Health Conference – “Health in Europe – from global to local policies, methods and practices” - Milano
Duration: 14 Oct 201517 Oct 2015


  • hospital environmental surveillance


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