A Different yet Equal Opportunity. Innovative Practices and Intercultural Approach in Initial VET

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


The volume presents a trial project, POP – Pari opportunità nei Percorsi degli adolescenti stranieri nella Istruzione e Formazione Professionale (Equal opportunities for foreign Adolescents in VET, funded by Cariplo Foundation), that carried out the development, implementation and validation of good practices in Lombardy initial VET system. POP project was inspired by the intercultural approach and aimed at promoting educational success among students with an immigrant background. The project POP – one of a kind in Italy – has been a systemic intervention tackling the turning points and critical transitions of educational careers where the equal opportunities of foreign-born students are most at risk (i.e. guidance counseling, concentration in VET, low level of basic learning, case of discrimination int eh transition to the workplace), transforming practices in operative models and prototypes. The added value of the project is represented by the creation of indicators for the development of guidelines of intervention for regional initial VET.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherFondazione ISMU
Number of pages86
ISBN (Print)9788864471587
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Educational chance
  • Students with an immigrant background
  • VET


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