Covid-Related Stress in the Financial, Relational and Health Domains. Which Longitudinal Effects on Present and Future Perception?



While pre-covid literature about stress has indicated the importance of studying domain-specific stress, studies conducted during the pandemic have investigated covid-related stress as a monodimensional construct. The current study aimed to assess the impact that covid-related stress in three domains (financial, relational, health) had on individuals’ psychological well-being and future anxiety. Furthermore, we aimed to assess whether the relationship among variables changed during the different phases of the pandemic as well as whether age moderated those relationships. Data were collected from 4185 Italian participants (55.4% female) aged 18–90 years (M = 46.10; SD = 13.47) at three waves: April 2020 (time 1), July 2020 (time 2), May 2021 (time 3). A cross-lagged panel model was run in Mplus. Results indicated that the financial domain is the life domain within which people are most worried during the pandemic, as it had the strongest impact on both psychological well-being and future anxiety. Having high levels of psychological well-being at time t served as a protective factor, as it was negatively related to any kinds of stress as well as to future anxiety at time t+1. These relationships among variables were stable over the course of the pandemic. Finally, we found significant age differences in the mean level for all variables under investigation, where young adults were the group with the highest level of stress and future anxiety as well as the lowest level of psychological well-being. Despite these differences in the variables’ level, the relationships between variables were invariant across age groups. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.
Date made available2023
PublisherSAGE Journals

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