Additional file 7: Figure S3. CTCDOs phenotypic characterization. (A) Flow cytometry of purified CTCDOs stained for human EpCAM and mouse CD45 expression. (B) Representative flow cytometry plots performed on XDOs and CTCDOs for the expression of: EpCAM, VIM, CK20, CD44v6 shown in Fig. 3C. (C) Representative flow cytometry plots performed on XDOs and CTCDOs for the expression of CD44v6/EpCAM and CD44v6/Vimentin Fig. 3D. (D) Representative confocal images of CD45-positive (hematopoietic) cells present on ScreenCell® filters. Cells were stained with CD45/DAB (appearing as the dark staining in the differential interference contrast/DIC brightfield), CD44v6 (green), EpCAM (yellow) and CK20 (red). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Magnification 60x, 5x zoom, bar 10 μM.
Date made available | 2022 |
Publisher | figshare |