Additional file 5. Association of cg13139646 co-methylated CpG sites (Pearson’s r2 > 0.2) with i) carrier status (cases vs. controls), ii) disease status (cases vs. asymptomatic) and, iii) symptoms (AGE, ANS, CTS, EYE, GI, HEA, PNS). Information about cg probe (cgID), chromosome localization (CHR), position (POS), determination coefficient (Pearson’s r2), standardized regression coefficients (Reg. Coef.), p value (Pval), mapped gene (GENE), gene region (Genomic Region), are reported. AGE = age of onset; ANS = autonomic nervous system; CTS = carpal tunnel syndrome; EYE = ocular involvement; GI = gastrointestinal involvement; HEA = cardiac involvement; PNS = peripheral nervous system. Red and underlined text = significant results surviving Bonferroni correction. Red text = nominally significant results.
Date made available | 2020 |
Publisher | figshare |