Additional file 3: Table S3. A 358 SNPs informative for Asian Mouflon ancestry used in BSAA. Only SNPs were considered with > 40 out of 42, > 55 out of 57 and > 67 out of 69 non-missing allele frequencies used for the pairwise AFM-PRMS, AMF-EMFM and EMFM-PRMS FST calculations, respectively. B 334 SNPs informative for Asian Mouflon ancestry used in BSAA. Only SNPs were considered with > 67 out of 69, > 55 out of 57 and > 40 out of 42 non-missing allele frequencies used for the pairwise EMFM-PRMS, AMF-EMFM and AFM-PRMS FST calculations, respectively. C 606 SNPs informative for Merino ancestry used in BSAA. Only SNPs were considered without missing allele frequencies used for the pairwise Merino-(Iberian non-Merino) FST calculations.
Date made available | 2020 |
Publisher | figshare |