Additional file 3: of Breed and adaptive response modulate bovine peripheral blood cells’ transcriptome

  • Nataliya Pošćić (Creator)
  • Tommaso Montanari (Creator)
  • Mariasilvia D'Andrea (Contributor)
  • Danilo Licastro (Creator)
  • Fabio Pilla (Creator)
  • Paolo Ajmone Marsan (Creator)
  • Andrea Minuti (Creator)
  • Sandy Sgorlon (Creator)



Complete list of genes included in DAVID Annotation Clusters. Each sheet of the.xlsx file includes one of the Annotation Clusters listed in Table 6 of the present article. In each Annotation Cluster the included genes are listed. The genes found to be common in each comparison are bolded. (XLSX 57 kb)
Date made available2017

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