Additional file 3: Figure S3. of Human mesenchymal stromal cells inhibit tumor growth in orthotopic glioblastoma xenografts

  • Simone Pacioni (Creator)
  • Quintino Giorgio D'Alessandris (Contributor)
  • Stefano Giannetti (Creator)
  • Liliana Morgante (Creator)
  • Valentina Coccè (Creator)
  • Arianna Bonomi (Creator)
  • Mariachiara Buccarelli (Contributor)
  • Luisa Pascucci (Creator)
  • Giulio Alessandri (Creator)
  • Augusto Pessina (Creator)
  • Lucia Ricci Vitiani (Creator)
  • Maria Laura Falchetti (Creator)
  • Roberto Pallini (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) (Creator)



Time course of hMSC homing to brain U87MG xenografts and to lungs of matched rats. Fluorescence microphotographs of GFP-expressing U87MG brain xenografts (left panel) by 1 h and 24 h after injection of mCherry BM-hMSCs into the common carotid artery with ligation of the external carotid artery in athymic rats. The lungs of matched rats were also assessed by fluorescence microscopy at the same time points (right panel). Scale bars = 80 μm for left pictures of panels; scale bars = 25 μm for right pictures of panels. (TIF 9508 kb)
Date made available2017

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