Additional file 2: of Preferential MGMT methylation could predispose a subset of KIT/PDGFRA-WT GISTs, including SDH-deficient ones, to respond to alkylating agents

  • Riccardo Ricci (Creator)
  • Maurizio Martini (Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) (Creator)
  • Gloria Ravegnini (Creator)
  • Tonia Cenci (Creator)
  • Massimo Milione (Creator)
  • Paola Lanza (Creator)
  • Francesco Pierconti (Creator)
  • Donatella Santini (Creator)
  • Sabrina Angelini (Creator)
  • Alberto Biondi (Creator)
  • Fausto Rosa (Creator)
  • Sergio Alfieri (Creator)
  • Gennaro Clemente (Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) (Creator)
  • Roberto Persiani (Creator)
  • Alessandra Cassano (Creator)
  • Maria A. Pantaleo (Creator)
  • Luigi M. Larocca (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS) (Creator)



Figure S2. Chromatogram showing the SDHx mutations found in GISTs (T) and in normal tissue (N) in cases 42–48. Case 42: heterozygous SDHA exon 5 mutation in normal tissue and homozygous in GIST. Case 43: somatic heterozygous SDHA exons 1 and 13 mutations in GIST. Case 44: somatic heterozygous SDHA exon 9 mutation in GIST. Case 45: somatic homozygous SDHA exon 10 mutation in GIST. Case 46: somatic homozygous SDHB exon 6 mutation in GIST. Case 47: somatic heterozygous SDHC exon 4 mutation in GIST. Case 48: heterozygous SDHA exon 9 mutation in GIST (germline not tested). (SDHx mutations found in cases 40 and 41 have been previously reported—see ref. [26] of the main text). (PPTX 1802 kb)
Date made available2019

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